Sunday 18 October 2009

Blogspot Is Being A Bum :P

Rock and Roses, reblogged.
Rock & Roses

Rock & Roses
Rock & Roses
Rock & Roses
Rock and Roses! And btw, I AM MARRYING HIM :P But seriously this photo is not his finest moment :S
I love owls! They are my favourite animal ever! This is why! x
Taylorr we love you x

OMG BALLOON BOY! EXACTLY! I did want to believe that this world could be like a pixar movie, and then he turned out to never have been in there at all :P THAT SUCKS.
Enjoy as Blogspot was NOT letting me blog these easily!! :P x

Dear Readers....

You guys all have to check out my Homegirl @Kaydeelemonaidy's tumblr! And on their, you will see the introductory video for our band SeeThatBoy-now on Youtube! Enjoy My loveliesss xxx

Saturday 17 October 2009

Saturday 10 October 2009


Advice for women who are too pregnant to function anymore:
Inevitably your husband will come home to find you unable to move under the weight of this gigantic fetus you are carrying and will want to know why the house is a mess and dinner isn’t made and then you’ll want to stab him because this is all his fault but you don’t have the energy to find a clean knife.
And you’ll want to explain how completely exhausting being pregnant is but men never understand so whenever Victor would say “How can you be tired? You hardly did anything today!” I’d respond, “I made someone’s ear canals today. Inside my stomach. Without even using my hands. What did you do today? Paperwork? God, how exhausting. I MADE SOMEONE’S NERVOUS SYSTEM.”
Then my husband would walk away, suitably impressed. Or scared. Either way he left me alone. And this is how you have a successful marriage.


Hello :) x

The most amazing film! I had a dream I met Lindsay last night :P x

Cutest family!!! xx
Aahhh xx